Why a baby bib is a necessity for parents? Giving life to another human puts a lot of responsibility on parents. You get to be the decision-maker for what the baby eats when the baby sleeps and what the baby’s name will be. But you will need baby bibs because babies are not in charge of their eating habits, and providing them with a proper diet will be a mess. For protecting your child’s clothes and cleaning any after spit-ups, baby bibs are your biggest help. Baby bibs are a piece of cloth placed around the baby’s neck; the flap of the baby feeding bib lays over the front of the baby so that any accident or mealtime mess can be prevented.
A baby bib
A baby is entirely dependent on the parent. They know nothing about their body, so parents are always on the alert and do anything needed. Though baby bibs are nothing like nappies and pampers, they still are very important for a baby.
As it is known that babies have no teeth, they cannot bite or eat but rather suckle or engulf. The nursing mothers should also opt for baby bibs or any baby feeding bib because there is milk leakage or spit-ups. A baby’s saliva is rather thin, which makes drooling rather easy. A bi will help that mess clean up in no time. It was found that babies with no bibs but drooled had more skin rashes than those who wore a bib. Because saliva is somewhat acidic constant contact of skin with saliva can be harmful. It can digest the skin and cause it to rupture; therefore, it is better to have it clean before any of the mess starts to affect your baby. Any of the baby feeding bibs will do.
Introducing Cadeaus
If you are a first-time parent and want to do everything right for the first charmer, you do not need to look anywhere else because the Cadeaus offers various types of baby bibs for your baby. The fabric of baby bibs is soft and has a very comfortable feel that does not irritate your body, nor does the fabric irritate your baby’s skin.
This bib fabric is super absorbent and does not let any leak pass through, which makes it super easy to keep your baby clean. Cadeous offers the best baby bibs. Though baby bibs go a long way, many parents start their baby wearing a bib when they are just newborns. The baby bibs are made for all ages babies; usually, these bibs are drool bibs that hold off the drool of your baby dripping all over.
These baby bibs are worn from around age 0 – 6 months. Little older, say 4 months of age, a new addition to the bib collection is better. The baby-feeding bibs are better for feeds other than breast milk.
It is the time when a little more feed is added to your child’s diet, such as blended fruits and veggies. There may be throw-ups and spit-ups during that time, but it all gets better later. The baby bibs are here to clean up your child with love and softness, making it easy for you and your child to share a bond over such precious times. Once the baby starts teething, which is after six months, there will be a lot of biting onto food and making a mess of it. The baby bibs, usually the feeding baby bibs, are important in not letting your toddler make a mess out of their clothes as well.
Different kinds of baby bibs
Babies grow very quickly, and before you know it, your baby is all grown up walking on their own, eating and talking. But throughout the journey, it takes a parent’s energy, love, and work—some help from baby accessories, such as feeders, baby bibs, nappies, bottles, etc. But once the baby gets a little independent, the baby bibs are your best friend. Here are a few types of baby bibs that you can use for your baby.
Dribble bibs
The baby bibs that effectively keep your baby dry are the dribble bibs as they absorb any amount of drool your baby creates. They are very absorbent and easy to clean.
Feeding bibs
A baby feeding bib does the best of absorbing any food spit-ups, leakage, and even spillage that the baby makes during mealtime. They are a little more absorbent and stain-proof than the dribble bibs.
Smock bibs
If your child is active and does not pause to make a mess, the smock bib is all that you need. They are worn like a shirt, and these baby bibs cover the baby from neck to toe and make them foolproof for leakage, food spillage, and even throw-ups. A clean baby is what you get later.
Disposable bibs
Though the normal baby bibs are washable and can be used again and again, if you are on a trip and cannot hold onto a dirty bib the entire time, it is better to throw away the dirty one and use a fresh piece.
Buy baby bibs via Atome
Baby bibs are a lifesaver for young parents, babies are messy, and most of the time is invested in keeping them clean. Therefore a feeding bib or any bib is important to have around a baby. Headquartered in Singapore with over 5000 partnered merchants and available in 9 markets, Atome offers its users the choice and convenience of flexible payment options for a variety of products and services. The app allows shoppers to split their purchases over three interest-free monthly payments by scanning a partner retailer’s in-store QR code or upon website checkout. By splitting their payments, Atome users will be able to better manage their budget while making quality products and services more reachable.